Campaign Setting Guide
Since times near-immemorial, the vast crater at the edge of the continent has been sealed from within. Its barrier, an impenetrable dome of magic, reaches far back into cultural folk tales and written accounts. Legends say it protects Ankhara, the ancient lands of all beginnings – wellspring of the oldest magics, the cradle of mortal civilization, dominion of the world’s first gods. It has guarded the crater’s secrets from curious minds for untold millennia, existing as an unchanging sight on the horizon.Until seven years ago, when like a retreating tide, the barrier inexplicably fell away. For the first time in cultural memory, the people living in the mountainous rim villages along the Grandspine cast their gazes across a sunrise-lit expanse of ancient lands, and knew that their lives were at the precipice of change.No answers could be given to the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of the event, but news spread fast. In a matter of weeks, Vallorin military and research outposts both were set up at the rim villages, both eager and wary of what waited beyond. But the earliest foot expeditions were met with fearsome beasts, and wyvern-riders from the north vanished into strange winds, and it seemed that the distances of the crater lands simply did not make logical sense to those who tried to map them. Even without a barrier, the ancient region clung tightly to its secrets.It took years for the bordering nations to secure settlement footholds past the rim, enough for numerous small but protected communities to build up around the outposts in the ‘edge zone’. The territories deeper in have proven far more difficult and deadlier to explore. The count of dead and missing adventurers grows steadily with each passing month. These days, it’s said that only the foolish, overconfident, or desperate seek work beyond the Rim, and there is plentiful work to be had. Various factions and wealthy individuals of the continent—both political and otherwise—are eager to hire on anyone willing to deliver them fragments of the old world that lay further in.What brings you to the crater's edge?
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Proud Settlers
While Vallorin humans are unique among the people on the continent, alone in having no inherent magical ability in their blood, they have proven to be the most inventive and resourceful culture the lands around the Crater have ever seen. Their kind originally hailed from lands far across the sea to the west, guided by the Star Stag, but for the past few thousand years have settled all around the globe.These days, the ones who call themselves Vallorin have carved out a permanent place for themselves in the regions southeast of the Ankharan Crater, now known as Eastern Vallora, part of the Vallorin Republic. Though their forefathers were made for warmer lands, Vallorins over the centuries have easily adapted to the cooler climate of their new home.Vallorin Republic lands stretch from the Sulûnar Sea, northwestward beneath the Grandspine Range, to the edge of Dûharsa and the contested Rustlands, and far southwest. The River Caraby divides the larger western and smaller eastern halves of the Republic, though the capital of Tolver straddles the great river itself. East Vallora is divided into three provinces - Walshire, Stagwoods, and Caraby Hills - each with lord governors that answer to the parliament held at Tolver.For the most part, Vallorin occupation within the region has been peaceful. They have openly integrated with the indigenous magical populations, welcoming ilvaari, barrowlings, and even the rare khardu or darjani into their settlements without issue. They have a trade and defense agreement with the khardu monarchy of Dûharsa along their northern border, as both have dealt with land and coastal raids from the Falkans in the past.
Prosperous and Inventive
Where Vallorins do not come by magic naturally, they make up for in their sheer determination and will to understand and master all sorts of disciplines. Their cities are bastions of opportunity and learning, with Tolver University becoming among the first to offer classes on the arcane arts to any who possesses the talent (and coin) to attend.Vallorins also tend to have a talent for accomplishing feats through mundane means that would usually require skilled spellcasting. Lessons taken from the Darjani on harvesting the innate magical properties of plants, ores, and beasts have gradually been adapted to improve Vallorin technology, and in some cases, even result in manufacturing similar reagents and components from scratch.The innovative and progressive values of Vallorin culture have, however, lent themselves to a transactional and materialistic society. Wealth is a powerful driver for most who grow up in Vallorin cities, and isn't always the easiest to come by. Businesses and households are constantly seeking magically modernized, convenient answers to problems that were once handled by skilled labor. If someone cannot afford to learn magic from the University or a private mentor, a lack of qualifications could result in a lack of work.
Into Uncharted Territory
To most Vallorins, the newly-revealed region within the Crater is one of unparalleled opportunity. It's a place filled with old magic the likes of which their culture has never encountered, and with that means limitless knowledge to uncover from the people who used to - or perhaps still do - reside deep within the once-sealed lands.Though entrance to the Crater has been attempted on multiple fronts, East Vallora is afforded a less-treacherous route through the Grandspine at Lynai Pass. It's here where most guilds out of Tolver operate their expeditions deeper in.Apart from the excitement that comes with exploration and discovery, the Crater also provides new lands to potentially lay claim to, forming new provinces to expand the republic's borders. Already settlements have been formed past the mountains, as far in as a river that seems to draw a line between the comparably safer 'edge zone' to the vicious lands deeper in.There is also the threat of what might happen should the Falkans establish a foothold in the inner regions first. A dangerous thought indeed.Vallorins of all backgrounds have been found eager to venture into Ankhara - for knowledge, for treasure, for land, for battle, or simply for the risks - and none are being turned away.
Vallorin Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (avg. 5–6½ feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 80 years on average
Vallorin Special Traits:
Resourceful. You gain Inspiration whenever you finish a long rest.
Varied Learning. You gain Proficiency in one Skill and one other Skill, Language, Gaming Set, Musical Instrument, or Artisan's Tools of your choice.
Versatile. You gain one feat of your choice, including options found in Kibbles' General Feats and UA Feats for Skills, providing you meet the prerequisites.
Things to Consider....
- Despite being the most prevalent population in the current age, your people are newer to these lands than any other, and you're surrounded by reminders of that in the vast histories and myths you learned as a child. Has this impacted your interests or motivations?- Your people have more opportunity for an academic education than most. Have you taken advantage of access to Tolver University or a private mentor for your interests? If not, what professional niche have you carved out for yourself?- Has your home ever come under threat by Falkan raiders or some other great danger? If so, what came of it, and how has it shaped you as a person?
Forged in Fire
With their stone-gray or charcoal skin and eyes like burning embers, there is no mistaking a Khardu for any other living creature on or under the continent. Broad in build, thoroughly robust, and forever warm to the touch, Khardu seem like the perfect marriage of worked iron and forge-fire, a clear callback to their cultural creation myths. Their blood runs as black as ink - unless exposed to high heat, at which point it glows bright like liquid fire under their skin. While thick Khardu hair naturally falls in the same spectrum of grays and blacks as their skin, it's not unusual for them to use bleaches and dyes to add a bit of color to their appearances - especially reds, oranges, whites, and golds.The treasured histories of their culture speak to their early creation. The patron deity of the Khardu, Maraz the Firstborn, was a god of passion. In the first era it is said that he had no outlet for the compulsion to turn this passion into physical form; but when Maraz met Amrâdi, the primal manifestation of fire, his muse flared into life. With Amrâdi's help, Maraz discovered how to melt metal into fantastic forms and harness the power of molten earth for his great crafts. In return, he forged for Amrâdi a gift unlike any other: the living, breathing first daughters of the Khardu, who would continue to worship and use fire for all their lives.These days, daughters of Maraz are far less common than sons, making up only a quarter of the population. They are often political or religious leaders of the Kharduin matriarchal culture, and are treated with great respect, but oftentimes also sheltered from the world beyond their mountain halls - alright for some, but certainly not all. Queen Bhûya Helchsalníth has has been the first to openly, controversially encourage all Khardu to chase their interests, regardless of gender or background.
Halls of Craft and Eternity
The last great Kharduin city of Dûharsa - known to most as 'Ashenhold' in the common tongue - is the longest-standing settlement outside of the old lands of Ankhara. Its inhabitants are said to be the first mortals of the realm, created by the god Maraz thousands of years ago to help him shape the land itself. They are fiercely proud of their heritage, and eagerly pass down their ancient traditions and legends from generation to generation.Unlike many of the surface civilizations of the continent, several core aspects of Khardu culture have defied the passage of time, changing very little over the passing millennia. Their written runic language has remained almost indistinguishable from its earliest roots; and they proudly trace their lineages back as far as they are capable, making ancestral naming conventions and family trees integral parts of their identity.The Khardu are renowned first and foremost for their unparalleled mastery of craft. The halls of homes have forever been filled with their spectacular craftsmanship: intricate carvings, fine metalwork, and beautiful tapestries adorning the walls and ceilings, to name a few.This expertise does not come without cause: every young Khardu must choose a craft to master as part of their rite of adulthood. These notably include metalworking, stonecarving, runeweaving, and gemcutting, among others. Understandably, both beautiful and functional objects produced by Khardu craftsmen have been prized by other races throughout history.
A Resolution of Reclamation
The fall of the barrier that sealed off their ancestral homeland caused a great uproar within the halls of Dûharsa. The Queen held council, and before the end of the first night, it was decided that several expeditions would be sent to seek out the ancient Kharduin cities of Zê'-Kalâm and Ubruzai, deep within the historical Ankharan territories. To reclaim their cultural birthplace could only bring great fortune to the declining Khardu people, there was no doubt.But just like all the other ventures into Ankhara over the first seven years of its reveal, the Khardu had no luck with accessing the deeper reaches. They were unused to aboveground travel, and mining progress beneath the Rim was frustratingly slow. It's only recently that they've resolved to send representatives with Vallorin scouting and resource teams, ensuring a greater chance of laying both eyes and claim on their old cities once again.
Khardu Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid, Elemental
Size: Medium (avg. 4–5½ feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 250 years on average
Khardu Special Traits:
Bonus Language. You have Language proficiency in Khardul.
Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 30 feet.
Heatproof. You are resistant to fire damage and suffer no ill effects from hot natural environments.
Forge Wise. Your divine creator gave you an uncanny affinity for craftsmanship. Choose one of Jeweler's Tools, Leatherworker's Tools, Mason's Tools, Smith's Tools, Painter's Supplies (for runes), or Tinker's Tools. You gain proficiency with your choice. If you are already proficient with the chosen tools, you gain Expertise with them instead.
Stonecunning. As a Bonus Action, you gain Tremorsense with a range of 30 feet for 10 minutes. You must be on a stone surface or touching such a surface to use this. The stone can be natural or worked. You can use this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Veins of Amrâdi. As a reaction to touching flames, you can rouse the fires from which you were forged and use the gifts of the ever-burning. For a number of rounds equal to your Proficiency Bonus, you gain Immunity to fire damage. You gain the ability to cast Heat Metal At Will with a range of touch. At 7th level, you can also cast Fire Shield once (heat only). You must cast these spells while the Resistance effect is active. Once you have used this trait, you cannot use it again until you have taken a Long Rest.
Things to Consider....
- Tradition is a fundamental part of your culture. Are you a steadfast follower of it and proud to recite your peoples' history, or are your interests leaning more towards modern solutions and events?- Your people are the longest-lived race in the region by far. How have your perceptions of the others been shaped over time, with their fast-moving generations and advancements?- What great craft did you undertake as a child that you become a master of in your rite of adulthood? Have you stuck with it since, or are you constantly learning new things to tinker with?
Arcane Nomads
Tall and vivid, with tails, horns, and arcane markings, Ilvaari are used to drawing gazes wherever they go. They radiate an aura of magic, seeming to hum with it. And it's no surprise: while most living beings only require food, water, and air to survive, the Ilvaari require arcana as a fourth fundamental source of energy. They are tied at the very heart of their existence to the ley-lines of the world, which pulse and weave with a nature that may be strange to most, but to the Ilvaari, is akin to a language they've known since birth.As they passively cycle the natural magic of the world, which is far less accessible around the continent these days than it is said to have been in their histories, modern Ilvaari are typically forced into nomadic lifestyles. While a few here and there might be found in places where magic is frequently used, such as the University of Tolver, it's far more common to encounter family groups in wandering caravans, adrift from belonging anywhere, following the fluctuations of the ley-magic through the land.Sadly, the Ilvaari are a dying people - and have been for millennia. They number in the thousands now, a far cry from their legacy. Fewer and fewer are conceived each year, and while their lifespans used to be centuries long, now most barely survive into adulthood. It's believed that being cut off from the mythical Ankharan ley-fonts are to blame, resulting in a vast, permanent weakening of their race; a sickness that takes them all in the end.For now, the last of the Ilvaari do what they can to pass on cultural knowledge, and make the most of their short years.
Caravan as Family & Culture
The short lifespans of the Ilvaari have led to unusual family units. Within a caravan, children are considered shared by all, rather than belonging to their biological relatives. This is in part because parents will rarely live to see their own children become adults - the rearing of young is therefore put on a group deemed as carers, while responsibilities of guidance, protection, and education are split amongst all. This is almost never seen as a burden; children are few in number and treasured dearly, with a caravan of thirty Ilvaari perhaps having five youth in their midst.Ilvaari are given the name of their caravan as a functional surname (e.g., 'Leidonai of Golden Harp', from the Golden Harp Caravan). Caravans are almost always known to one another, even if they do not cross paths for months or years, and may have built up reputations among themselves. .Because of their careful natures, and valuing the lives of their children, it's not uncommon for Ilvaari to welcome trusted outsiders along on their caravan trips, especially if protection or assistance is offered in return. To earn the trust of a caravan is a powerful thing, and Ilvaari are known to be highly generous lifelong friends who are happy to repay kindnesses.As the nomadic lifestyle doesn't lend itself well to comfortable farmsteads, heavy industry, or year-round establishments, Ilvaari have turned to other more mobile sources of income to fund their travels. Caravans are often looked forward to by towns and cities across the continent for the wide array of tradeable goods and livestock they bring, and the extraordinary performances of dedicated Ilvaari actors, musicians, and other artists.Ilvaari have perfected the art of storytelling - and not just fables. Oral tradition is a cultural value passed down through the generations to keep their legends and histories from falling out of memory, especially when books and scrolls can so easily be damaged in travel. Life lessons, words of guidance, and important events are often learned in childhood through songs.
A Chance at a Cure
For the Ilvaari, the exploration of Ankhara isn't just a matter of curiosity or reclamation - it's a matter of survival for their people. When the barrier fell, every Ilvaari on the continent felt the event - and it left an echo in their hearts.The magic beyond the Rim is immense, and to the Ilvaari, can be felt from leagues away. Overnight, caravans switched course, setting their sights on Darjani villages along the Rim to get closer to the power beyond the mountains. And over the last seven years, caravan leaders have had to make a hard choice: let their families dwindle away outside where the magic is weaker, or risk venturing inside, where great dangers could bring them to a swift end?Now more than ever, lone Ilvaari are leaving their caravans to join the efforts in the Crater, hoping to chase answers and find places of safety for their families to roam.
Ilvaari Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (avg. 5–7 feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 40 years on average
Ilvaari Special Traits:
Bonus Language. You have Language proficiency in Ilvaar.
Blessing of the Twins. Ilvaari are naturally attuned to arcane energies. You gain the Prestidigitation cantrip. At 3rd level, you also gain the ability to cast Detect Magic, and at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast Misty Step. Once you cast a Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.
Arcane Intuition. You have Proficiency in the Arcana Skill, and are passively aware of entering mythals and strong magical auras.
Spellsoul. Your arcane origins have granted you a degree of resistance to magic. You have Advantage on saving throws against spells.
Trance. You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep. Instead, you enter a trancelike meditation, during which you retain consciousness.
Things to Consider....
- Ilvaari are rare these days, due to your shortened lifespans and low birth rates. How has the sickness affected your family, your views, and your thoughts on your own mortality, and the choices you're making?
- So much of the history of your people has been lost to tragedy and time. Your bloodline has been in decline for ages, and Ilvaari culture has nearly been erased. Have you ever felt compelled to learn the truth about your ancestors? Do you seek out stories about their traditions, their values, their communities, or their lives?
- How did your caravan react to your intentions to go beyond the Rim? Are the encouraging you to venture forth, or are they displeased that you've left them?
Said to have been divinely designed by the Lady of Chaos, and gifted to Dinayra as keepers of flora, barrowlings are a curious and lively bunch. It should come as no surprise that fey magic runs in their veins; their children are referred to as 'changelings', only settling on their final forms in adolescence – and they can vary quite widely. While their signature features of large ears and eyes, long prehensile tails, and smaller builds persist through coming of age, barrowling skin falls in various hues of peach, brown, yellow, and green.It’s not unusual for barrowlings to decide on their adult appearances based on loyalty, sometimes leading to close physical similarities between folks who aren’t even blood related. Some barrowlings use these chosen similarities to establish their identity as belonging to a specific group, leading to the establishment of ‘bands’ of barrowlings that create what are effectively ‘subraces’ of their people, such as goblings, leaflings, or merlings. Others, of course, opt to be entirely unique.The most prevalent subrace of barrowlings on the continent these days are commonly known as 'townlings' -- or less politely, halflings, due to how their chosen appearances make them similar to half-sized humans like Vallorins. Townlings are often seen sharing communities with Vallorins and even Darjani, though the sociable lot of them could find a way to fit in just about anywhere. They often choose professions working with plants, trade, or food preparation, but other livelihoods are not unheard of.
Small Homes, Large Families
Barrowlings get their name from the hilly barrows that their kind historically called home, building upon and into hills and mountainsides in complex systems. In modern times, most barrowlings can instead be found in towns, farmsteads, and rural cottages, as mingling between the people of the realm is more commonplace, and the Vallorin-settled regions are not as rife with megafaunal predators as they once were.This sense of safety has brought with it a population boom for barrowlings - their families are large, often with upwards of a dozen children causing chaos in vast gardens and sprawling homesteads. Twins and triplets are commonplace, and it's not unusual for homes to expand drastically as families do, often supporting extended relatives and multiple generations. These large barrowling family groups are referred to as 'clans', and are known for their fierce loyalty.In barrowling society, clans are highly competitive, regularly forming rivalries and alliances regarding business, trades, hobbies, collections, achievements, and the like. Gossip tends to run wild, and trickery is nearly expected; it can be difficult for outsiders to understand the fierce determination and competitive aspect of a hobby that would be otherwise unremarkable to most.
Quirky Behavior is the Norm
Barrowlings are often compared to long-lived magical beings stuck in a state of eternal childhood, and this is reflected in their behaviors just as much as their appearances.If you were to wander into a barrowling's den, you'd be quick to notice their collection(s) of choice. They're not shy about it; once a special interest has hooked a barrowling's attention, they will go to great lengths to start a collection for it. These interests vary widely, and can be as inexpensive as a collection of interesting leaves, as obscure as a collection of carvings of a specific shape, as useful as a collection of varied cooking spices, and the like.It's also a regular occurrence for barrowlings to make a game out of everything they can, seemingly finding fun even in the most serious of situations. Their mischievous streaks are widely acknowledged (a trait doubtlessly given by Vaheti herself), and the boundless curiosity they have for the world suggests that their rare bouts of ill fortune don't keep them down for very long.And, if there's anything that outsiders often appreciate about barrowling culture and businesses, it's that their great love of food extends to their talent in preparing it. Many of the realm's best chefs and culinary inventors are barrowlings whose passion for tasty meals have become their livelihoods. Better yet, they're very fond of sharing!
Barrowic Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid, Fey
Size: Small (avg. 2½–4 feet tall)
Speed: 35 feet
Life Span: 120 years on average
Barrowling Special Traits:
Bonus Language. You have Language proficiency in Barrowcant.
Own Tempo. You have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Charmed Condition on yourself.
Children of Luck. When you roll a 1 on the d20 of an Attack Roll, Saving Throw, or Skill Check, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll.
Feyheart. Barrowlings have fey magic in their blood. You gain the Druidcraft cantrip. At 3rd level, you also gain the ability to cast Faerie Fire, and at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast Alter Self. Once you cast a Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.
Extra Handy. You have a curled prehensile tail that functions as a Mage Hand, but permanently shares your space. You can control it with a bonus action.
Things to Consider....
- Did you grow up in traditional barrows, or are you more of a 'townling' - raised alongside or within Vallorin society and cities? How have either of these impacted your behaviors or relationships with others of your kind?- What kind of physical traits are shared by all barrowlings in your family? Do you have anything in particular you've chosen to set yourself apart?- Do you have any collections? If so, do you carry them with you (and how)? Is there anything you've been hoping to collect? If you don't currently have a collection, what kinds are you considering, and what hobbies or skills do you have that might feed them?
Guided by the First Beasts
It is not clear who the Darjani once were, or when they arrived in the region and began worshipping the First Beasts. While they share many base physical traits with the human Vallorins who came from across the sea, and they don't have the pointed ears of all people native to Ankhara, no records remain that document the arrival of their kind. They have lived in their secluded villages for ages upon ages, and to them, that is all there is to it.Regardless of their origins, Darjani are set apart by unusual religious and cultural traditions. They acknowledge the named gods but do not worship them; instead, their lives are devoted to the endless pantheon of the First Beasts.On the first full moon after a Darjani child is born, they are ceremonially offered to the First Beasts in a ritual that will forever shape who they are as a person. A First Beast will step in to claim the child, becoming a totem spirit and lifetime guide. While it's most common for a singular First Beast to claim entire family lines, there is typically no shame or disgrace in being chosen by a different guide than expected. This could be interpreted as a family being watched over by many of the animal gods, or as the child being destined for a different path.A Darjani's totemic beast might manifest in their dreams on occasion or walk alongside them as a spirit only they can see, able to provide guidance or assistance from time to time. They cannot be summoned, only invited, and will accept on their own whims. The relationship between Darjani and totem beast varies from person to person, but the beast will often take a parental role.
In Quiet Mountains
The Grandspine Range that circles the Ankharan crater is host to many of the known Darjani settlements, and until recent years, have allowed them to exist undisturbed by folk in the lowlands. Their villages are small, typically with a couple hundred individuals in each, and never more than a thousand in any given stretch of territory. As a result, there are no Darjani towns or cities, nor any centralized or unified governance; this means that villages are independently governed by elders and shamans.In the uncommon cases where a Darjani is bonded to a First Beast that doesn't fit their home region, they will often feel compelled to wander and start a new settlement in a place more comfortable to them.
Innate Shapechangers
A Darjani's totemic bond may, over time, grant them animalistic traits even while not shifted. A young ward of the First Owl might gradually develop a collar feathers and night-bright eyes; an old shaman of the First Coyote may sport sections of sleek fur and a hunter's sharp teeth.However, when a Darjani learns to shift, these changes often become far more pronounced, giving them beast-like advantages for periods of time. These may help a Darjani fight, hunt, travel, or simply survive more efficiently.These changes often shape a Darjani's lifestyle and behaviors to a degree, too. Darjani with totem animals who tend to herd will find themselves more comfortable in a group; some will have a predilection for meat; some will feel more inclined to travel at night; others may instinctually hide instead of defending themselves. And yet as much as these behaviors have been passed on from the instincts of their guides, they can be broken and ignored when need be. Darjani are, after all, quite individual in thought, and often more intelligent and logical than their beast kin.Darjani have the highest number of born druids than any other culture, but they are still rare. To be a moon druid is to be greatly honored by the First Beasts. Moon druids often become village shamans and leaders.
Darjani Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (avg. 4½–7 feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 80 years on average
Darjani Special Traits:
Bonus Language. You have Language proficiency in Darjani.
Totemic Bond. You can cast Animal Friendship and Beast Bond once each using this trait, and can't do so again in this way until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.
Animal Intuition. You have proficiency in the Animal Handling and Survival skills. Additionally, you have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts. They can understand the meaning of your words and body language, though this trait does not give you any special ability to understand them in return.
Shifting. As a bonus action, you can assume a more bestial appearance representing that of your Totem Beast. This transformation lasts for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus, until you die, or until you revert to your normal form as a bonus action. When you shift, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 temp hp). Once you shift, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.You also gain three of the options from the list below, as befitting your Totem Beast, which are only in effect whenever you use the Shifting feature. Once chosen, these cannot be changed.
~ You gain proficiency in Athletics or Stealth
~ Adv on Perception checks that rely on smell
~ Adv on Perception checks that rely on sight
~ Darkvision to a range of 60ft
~ Climb speed equal to your walking speed
~ Swim speed equal to your walking speed
~ Walk speeding increased by 10ft
~ Halved fall damage
~ Natural Armor (13 + Dex Mod)
Things to Consider....
- What was your village life like before the barrier fell? How has it impacted your day-to-day life or motivations since? (Whether from researcher setting up camps, powerful crater creatures venturing over the mountains, etc.?)- Do you have a similar Totem Animal to your family or tribe? In either case, how has this affected your relationships?- How is your connection with your Totem Beast? Do they walk in your dreams often, or rarely and when they are needed most? What kind of advice or guidance have they given you throughout your life?
Conquerors by Blood
The Falkan people of modern times are the product of two vastly different cultures merging: the Kaldic human sea raiders of lands far to the northwest, and the long-extinct branch of settled, weakened ilvaari that they conquered. The result was a hybrid people that have since repeatedly proven to be dangerous - and haven't yet become content with their claimed-by-war lands.Few Ilvaari physical traits remain in Falkan bloodlines, save for pointed ears and rare instances of children born with arcane markings or oddly-colored eyes. Instead, Falkans inherited most of their appearance from their Kaldic roots: pale skin and hair, and an average build similar to their human cousins.Now they dominate Falka - or Falkøststat in their own tongue - but have their eyes on the more hospitable southern lands. Their ships often attempt raids on villages along the Sulûnar Sea, proving a menace even for the larger Vallorin city of Southridge. On land, they have tried crossing the Rustlands only to be met with fierce resistance from Dûharsa's khardu; the continue to harry their opponents to wear them down.Although their ships and warriors are fierce, the most frightening part of the Falkan Army is undoubtedly their war beasts and wyverns. Should the Falkans learn to conquer the beasts of the Ankharan Crater, there's no telling what kinds of new additions their army may get.
Adversity on All Fronts
There is nothing easy about life in Falka. The environment is a constant challenge; the wildlife is desperate and fierce; the laws are strict and the repercussions for breaking them gruelling; the opportunities are scarce. While a few find success in raising hardy livestock or crafting tools, gear, and other necessities, the majority of Falkans are drafted into their military for the primary purpose of taking goods from those who have it easier.Their martial and military culture has seasoned generals leading the country and making decisions for the good of its people. Very little time or funding is reserved for magical studies outside of what is immediately practical for survival and war, despite half of their ancestry flourishing with arcane potential.In truth, many Falkan families live in fear or resentment of their local leaders, but do not dare speak out against them. Food and supplies are rationed for most of the year, and the colder months can be cruel even without production expectations from the army. Now and then, individuals or whole families might take the risk of fleeing to the southern regions of the realm for the sake of their wellbeing or their interests, and praying that they will not be caught on the way.But not all is bad: when a victory is earned, all share in its spoils. Communities are close-knit and need to have each others' backs, at rare times even in defiance of the harsh laws. And loyalty to those who have helped you is a core trait of Falkan values, making near-unbreakable bonds amongst friends and even standing as defense in the Crystal Court. With everything else is against the Falkans, their greatest strength lies in their companions.
Finding a Place to Belong
[Player characters will be outsiders to the Falkan faction, living and/or working in Vallora and unable (or unwilling) to return to Falka.]The fall of the barrier has been a blessing to Falka, but also to the individuals who have left it behind and are seeking a new livelihood in the south. Their martial skills are welcomed by expeditions, even if their heritage might not always be looked favorably upon.But more than anything, the chance at building a new home in the crater means a fresh start - and while some might consider settling in the wilds a frightening prospect, Falkans are plenty used to nature's adversity. It's worth the risk.
Falkan Characters
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (avg. 5½–6½ feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 100 years on average
Falkan Special Traits:
Bonus Language. You have Language proficiency in Falkan.
Aura of the North. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation Skill.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Martial Culture. Your homeland is one that holds strength in high regard above all else. You are proficient with three simple or martial weapons of your choice.
Fearless Heart. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the Frightened Condition on yourself.
Tireless Pursuit. You can cast Hunter's Mark once using this trait, and can't do so again in this way until you finish a long rest. You can also cast the spell using any Spell Slots you have of the same level or higher.
Things to Consider....
- Falkan player characters would all be exiles or refugees from the north, for one reason or another. What has caused you to walk away or be banished from your former life, and work with the people you previously considered enemies?- You may initially be met with hostility or distrust by Khardu and Vallorins. Do you usually try to warn their opinions of you, or do you lean into their dislike and accept it for what it is? (Have you earned a certain reputation through your past actions?)- Who, if anyone, did you leave behind when you left the north? Have you made contact with them since then?- Do you still worship the Falkan goddess Yraol (or to you, Sølvras), or have you opened up to other southern deities? Or both/neither?
The Crater &
Surrounding Lands

East Vallora (Vallorin Republic)
Although the area now known as East Vallora was once the dominion of independent barrowic and ilvaari groups, Vallorin settlers have since unified it and claimed it as their lands. These days, the city of Tolver is the most bustling place in the region, and is proud host to an arcane university and several wealthy guilds and individuals who are funding expeditions into the Ankharan crater via Lynai Pass.Barrowling villages remain scattered about and largely self-govern, though the last few centuries have seen more mingling among the so-existing peoples. Most ilvaari continue to roam the region and beyond in their caravans.
Dûharsa (Ashenhold)
The surface Rustlands themselves aren't technically the domain of any nation. Falka wish to claim it, but they've made bitter foes of the khardu of Dûharsa; Vallora is content to keep the neutral barrier between them and the aggressive northern kingdom. On either pole of the Rustlands, Karnsgard and Pendfort sit as cities where the bulk of each nation's foot armies lay.
Falka, or Falkøststat as it is known to its people, is an unforgiving region with little in the way of natural resources. It was once a part of the Kaldic Empire of the northern Dragehavet, or Dragon Sea. It is unclear what made the Falkans seek independence, but their survival in Falka has been a direly-achieved one; like their forefathers, they are formidable land and sea raiders.It's believed that the Falkans have launched their expeditions into Ankhara through the section of the Grandspine just east of Karnsgard, operating independently of the other nations.
The Grandspine Range
For countless generations, the Grandspine range has been a locale where very few bothered to climb - just as the local Darjani people liked it. After all, it sat flush against the great impassable barrier since time immemorial; venturing to them was a task for pilgrims and dreamers. Now, though, several Grandspine villages are seeing an influx of activity, and also plenty more danger from beasts approaching from within.
Important Factions
Ecological Research Accord (E.R.A.)
In a landmark agreement made between Tolver Univerity researchers, professional botanists, and First Circle druids, ERA was formed to document the mysterious flora and fauna of the Ankharan Crater. Special caution is given to preventing damage to the natural ecosystem as much as possible while researching. While this may seem to put ERA's goals at odds with trophy hunters, it has actually fostered an agreement between them, as hunters provide valuable insight into the natures of the more aggressive beasts that researchers are unable to fend off on their own, and can offer unique biological materials for study. ERA is also a popular sponsor for herbalists, alchemists, entomologists, and even beast trainers.
- Discover and document Ankharan biomes
- Non-lethally capture beasts for study
- Determine practical uses of local herbs and resources
Society for the Preservation of Early Ankharan Records (S.P.E.A.R.)
SPEAR is an expeditionary group of archivists and archaeologists with a vested interest in compiling a comprehensive guide to all things historically Ankharan. Though initially Vallorin-led, it has garnered interest from all the peoples of the continent, especially those with historic ties to the region.
- Discover historic cultural, religious, or otherwise notable sites
- Collect and preserve surviving written records and artifacts
- Piece together the local history of the region from available evidence
Cartographer's Guild
Though previously long-defunct, the Republic Cartographer's Guild was given a breath of new life with the fall of the Crater's barrier, and has seen an influx of wanderers ready to lend a quill. The efforts of the last seven years have proved that the Ankharan wilds are not as easily mapped as one might expect, owing both to great danger and unexpectedly far distances. Still, just about anyone can work with the Guild, provided that they've proved themselves to have a reliable sense of direction and distance notation.
- Reliably map the Ankharan region for Republic (and allied) use
- Determine safe, defensible locations for future settlements
Kharduin Embassy
Though highly selective in their representatives, the Khardu have made it clear that they are willing to provide support to anyone who brings them reliable information about their ancient halls of Zê'-Kalâm (Crownforge) and Ubruzai (Delverdeep), believed to be on the northern and eastern sides of the crater, respectively. Kharduin delegation expeditions have been thus unsuccessful, resulting in many Khardu joining other group missions into the region to establish safer footholds first.
- Locate and gain entry to Zê'-Kalâm and Ubruzai
- Establish direct lines of communication with any surviving Khardu or descendants
- Secure any and all Khardu relics from the early ages of civilization
The Ebony Ledger
Famed for having its fingers in nearly every city in the realm, the specialists' guild known as the Ebony Ledger hires on all manner of skilled thieves, bounty hunters, morally dubious explorers, and dungeon delvers to deliver on the high-paying requests put forth by its anonymous 'clients'. Members are often integrated into other groups to disguise their motives. When jobs are done well, the payout is good - but there's no tolerance for failure.
- Fulfill contracts by acquiring and delivering on client requests
- Install fences and guild members in new settlements throughout Ankhara
- Operate in a manner that avoids questioning
Falkan Army
No longer restricted to raids or ventures by sea or Rustlands, it's rumored that Falka is making its own headway into the Ankharan Crater, but for exactly what purpose is unknown. Either way, with its fearsome soldiers and trained war beasts, the Falkan Army might have a better chance at conquering the wilds than most factions - and that might mean dire times ahead for everyone else.
- ???
Not much is known about the origins or current whereabouts of the divines, as much cultural history for most of the continent's races were lost thousands of years ago with Ankhara. Below is the information gathered based on an aggregation of legends and tales.The divines are divided into different groups, based on the purpose of their creation.
The Singer of All Songs
Standing alone above all the rest is the entity known only as the Singer — formless, genderless, existing only as the concept of pure creation. The Singer is not one to grant power to any followers, nor do they have any verifiable domains. However, it is believed that they are the source of all existence in Kemthêl (the endless universe), and the one who sung the other deities and celestials into being.In Khardu, the Singer is Akmath. In Ilvaari, they are Lindë. Strangely, no matter what name is used for them or in what form, if the intent is there to reference them as an entity, the word will always be understood regardless of the language used.There are countless stories and ballads of the Singer giving shape to the primordial forces of Kemthêl, singing them into material forms where they had once existed only as thought.
Divine Gods
Domains: Light, War, Forge
Symbols: sun with cardinal flares (sometimes behind a hammer)
Aliases: Wargazer, Firstborn, Lord of Lovers, Blazeman, SunbeardSaid to be the oldest among the deities, Maraz is widely respected by people of all ancestries, but none more than the Khardu who claim him as their patron deity. He is said to have gifted the Khardu to Amrâdi, the primordial aspect of fire, as a way of thanking them for being his muse. To others, Maraz himself is the muse, with godly authority and patronage over crafters from all walks of life. Artisans who work with metals will often bring their finished masterpieces to temples of Maraz for inspection and blessing.Maraz is celebrated on the first day of the summer months, and again on the longest day of the calendar year.
Domains: Nature, Life, Blood
Symbols: holly bough
Aliases: Primal Mother, Jadeheart, Bloodcaller, Emerald-Eyes, The Verdant LadyAs mother of the First Beasts, Dinayra holds a special place amongst the gods as one who created other divines herself. Though she made none of the mortal races, she bestowed on them the ability to reproduce and create life in the form of offspring, making her a very popular deity among hopeful parents and expecting mothers. She is said to have worked with Trenn and Sulûn, aspects of wood and water, to create the lush wilds upon which her First Beasts placed their populations. She is most loved by Barrowlings, but also highly respected by Darjani tribes.Dinayra is celebrated throughout the planting and husbandry seasons, and again during the great autumn harvests.
Domains: Protection, Twilight, Light
Symbols: seven-pointed star, or seven-pointed antlers
Aliases: The Star Stag, Dream King, Guide in the Night, Great DreamerTravelers and wonderers alike find strength and reassurance in their worship of Astroyov, the great guide and preferred deity of the Vallorin people. Although the history of Astroyov's influence in the region is less pronounced than the other deities, he is widely welcomed by all mortals due to his association with protection and guidance. He is said to have led the Vallorins across the sea in safe times, encouraging them to settle in their current home.Astroyov is celebrated during the longest night of the calendar year.
Domains: Grave, Peace, Death
Symbols: feathers, birds (especially pigeons)
Aliases: Gravewatcher, Quiet Shepherd, Keeper of Last Breaths, MournerThe Quiet Shepherd holds domain over the dead and those who are approaching death. Creator of no singular group of people, but final caretaker of them all, they are said to watch over all who would pay them respects. Their temples are the great mausoleums known as the Halls of Peace, run by devouts who keep records of interment and provide pristine spaces of mourning. Telorre is widely worshipped across the continent, except by most Falkans, who find more honor in dying in battle than peacefully.Telorre is worshipped throughout Winter and Deepwinter, when the cold quietly claims many lives.
Domains: Arcana, Trickery, Nature
Symbols: butterfly, intertwined hands (with Von), dice (unofficial)
Aliases: The Twins (with Von), Hand of Chaos, Lady Luck, Gambler, The Fey QueenThe less predictable of the Arcane Twins, Vaheti is a lover of celebration and fun and creativity. She is the creator of the Barrowlings and all things fey, and it is said she is responsible for painting the world in brighter colors for all mortals to enjoy. Her presumed likeness or symbols are often displayed outside theatres, game halls, and even taverns.Vaheti is often worshipped alongside Von, but individually at other large celebrations too.
Domains: Arcana, Order, Knowledge
Symbols: open book, intertwined hands (with Vaheti)
Aliases: The Twins (with Vaheti), Hand of Law, SpellbinderEven-handed deity Von is the orderly counterpart of the Arcane Twins, and is considered the father of arcane magic as it's used in modern times. He is also credited with the creation of the Ilvaari people, beings born of arcana and tied at their very cores to its ebbs and flows. He's a popular deity among researchers, mages, and all academics alike, as he represents study and knowledge.Von is often worshipped alongside Vaheti, and in places tied to the old ley-lines of the continent.
Domains: Tempest, War, Death
Symbols: wind spiral, serpent spitting lightning
Aliases: Sølvras, Lastborn, Silver Serpent, ColdfangThough not widely worshipped or even well-known in the southern regions of the continent, the Falkan people of the northern reaches claim the ambitious storm goddess Yraol (or in their tongue, Sølvras) as their own. Her legends are uncertain and often conflicting, leaving this deity a bit of a mystery to scholars attempting to piece together her influence. She is called 'Lastborn' due to her late inclusion into modern records, as some cultures, such as the Khardu, question her deification due to lack of inclusion on their surviving ancient texts.Falkans worship Yraol throughout the year, as their seasons are less clearly defined.
Primordial Aspects
Sulûn, aspect of water
Said to have been the first of the primordials, Sulûn is the embodiment of the great seas from which the continent of Eâlura was raised. They are said to clash with Ishthir; some myths portray them as rivals, and others, lovers.
Banu, aspect of stone
Second among the primordial forces was Banu, who provided the foundations of the land - once a terribly inhospitable thing. Banu's work was said to be slow, taking eons on its own, but ultimately laying the groundwork for life.
Amrâdi, Aspect of Fire
As the force of fire, Amrâdi surged through the land upon their creation, softening rock to magma and adding warmth to the lifeless world. Their partnership with Mahar is said to have inspired creation of the first mortals.
Ishthir, aspect of air
Fickle Ishthir is said to be both gentle and violent in turn, behaviorally influenced by the other primordials. Sailors through the ages have given gifts to the wind in order to slow Ishthir's eternal dance with Sulûn, ensuring safer seas.
Trenn, aspect of wood
Last of the primordials was quiet but curious Trenn, who spread greenery everywhere they touched. Trenn is a peaceful sort, without any great animosity, and is said to carefully keep the whole world as their garden.
There are countless interpretations of the appearances of the aspects. Above are some by the late Ilvaari historian Qilaar, associating them with animal forms.
The First Beasts
Little is understood of the First Beasts outside those who worship them. Though they primarily reside in the divine realms, and have no power outside of their own species and followers, their interactions with mortals are more common and more direct than any of the other divines. They are said to appear both in sleeping dreams and as spirits in the waking world, offering peace, direction, guidance, and in rare cases even assistance to those with whom they have a direct bond.It is almost unheard of (and entirely unproven) for the First Beasts to appear before any non-Darjani or non-druid, which has resulted in limited study of them by outsiders.
Content Restrictions
Playable Races
Custom homebrew only. See People of the Realm for a list of Character 'Ancestries'.
Playable Classes & Notes
I am usually eager to work with you to flavor something in a setting-appropriate way!Artificer - Mostly not setting compatible - can discuss if playing a Vallorin.Barbarian - All good!Bard - All good!Cleric - Twilight Domain's Twilight Sanctuary scales to Proficiency Bonus, not Level.Druid - Only for Darjani and Barrowlings, and thoroughly intertwined with the First Beasts. Adhering to the RAW where you can only wildshape into things you've seen. We can negotiate a starting list based on where you're from. Reskinning beasts to fit is fine with me as long as it makes sense with the statblock.Fighter - All good!Monk - All good!Paladin - There has to be an RP reason for a chosen oath, and tenets must be upheld.Ranger - All good!Rogue - All good!Sorcerer - Origin may need to be reflavored (not mechanically adjusted) to fit setting.Warlock - Patron may need to be reflavored (not mechanically adjusted) to fit setting. Details about the original encounter and pact will need to be worked out.Wizard - No Chronurgy.
Stat Generation:
Will be decided as a group during session zero / once everyone is in the Discord.Backgrounds:
Ability Scores. Increase one ability score by 2 and a different one by 1. Alternatively, choose three ability scores, and increase each of them by 1. (I don't use racial stat bonuses.)Skill Proficiencies. Choose two Skills. Your character gains Proficiency in them.Craft Proficiency. Choose one set of Artisan’s Tools. Your character gains Tool Proficiency with it. (Consider checking out homebrew for crafting rules in play! If you really don't want to engage with crafting, we can reallocate this.)Hobby Proficiency. Choose one language from the Standard Languages table, or proficiency with a Gaming Set, Musical Instrument, or a set of Artisan’s Tools. You become proficient with your choice.Equipment. Your character gains 200 GP to spend on additional goods & equipment not provided by their class. The character keeps any unspent GP as spare coin. You may also choose one common magic item.Background Feature. Choose any from the PHB that fits your character. If you'd like one from another book or source, please run it by me!Alignment:
No evil characters (or murderhobos). Thanks!History & Details:
Character 'Cutlery'. I put a high value on knives, forks, and spoons as laid out in this document, which provides a basis for character goals and values, instead of D&D's bonds/flaws.History. I welcome you to write a history if you wish, though ask that it not be longer than two pages. (A higher priority is placed on the Cutlery as laid out above, however - it should cover the highlights of a history.)Considerations.. Each ancestry has its own backstory questions for you to consider. But more generally, the following are important:
- What are you hoping to find/do in Ankhara?
- Who/what faction is sponsoring you & why?
- What have you given up to take this journey?
Found here on Google Drive.
Rests & Camp Actions:
Changes explained here, with reference to Camp Actions. Adapted from rules for same in KibblesTasty's Compendium.
Bonus Action Potions:
Drinking a potion takes only a Bonus Action. Administering one to someone else still takes an Action. You can choose to drink a healing potion as an Action, rather than Bonus Action, and recover the maximum healing value from it.
Gathering & Crafting:
Using crafting rules laid out in this section of KibblesTasty's Compendium, not including Enchanting. With (very) slight modifications to harvesting tables.
Banned Spells:
Goodberry, Silvery Barbs. Summon spells are limited to four creatures max.
Setting Notes
On magic:
Outside of the crater, magic is uncommon, but has no blanket repercussions for use. The deep ley-lines are simply not as strong as they were in ancient times. While Tolver University and private mentors can teach the arcane arts, and some races have passive magical or elemental abilities, up until a handful of years ago nobody would have exceeded the power of a fifth-level spellcaster. Access to the crater is changing the scope of magic used, bit by bit, bringing about exciting new possibilities in arcane study.
On the planes:
The standard D&D planes do not exist in the same capacity here. There is the mortal realm and the immortal realm, and what the latter consists of is largely unknown to people outside of myths and legends - but the Divine Gods and First Beasts are said to reside there. Elemental planes and elementals themselves are tied to the mortal realm. The Hells and their lords and devils do not exist in this setting.
On alignment:
Deities do not have set alignments, and all NPCs/creatures may have varied alignments from what is seen in the D&D rulebooks. If you are frequently and unjustifiably acting outside of what you have written for your character's alignment, you may be made to change it.
On dragons:
D&D's highly intelligent chromatic/metallic dragons do not exist, but certain draconic creatures such wyverns do. Rumors out of the crater suggest that it contains new creatures that might be classified as wyverns or dragons.
On languages:
Standard Languages:
- Valloric (/Common - known by all PCs)
- Khardul
- Barrowcant
- Darjani
- Ilvaar
- Falkan
Known Exotic Languages:
- Khuzark (ancient Khardul handsigns)
- Ankharan (ancient Ilvaar/Barrowcant)
- Primal (druidic/primordial, hieroglyphic)
- Thurik (ancient runes of Khardul)
- Gentlehand (Telorre devout handsigns)
- Eiré (aka 'Starspeak', celestial/sylvan)
Art Credits:World and region maps were made by me using Wonderdraft.The side art on the main page, ancestry portraits, and images for the religions were generated using Bing AI, and edited by me in Clip Studio Paint.